The Value of Made in Italy Brand Lies in Its Tradition

Antonella Nonino, the value of the Made in Italy brand lies in its tradition

The CEO of Nonino Distillatori speaks of how much handing down knowledge from generation to generation is a winning distinctive trait in our country.

MILAN – Among the great entrepreneurs that came together on October 6, in Expo 2015, at the conference organized by Gruppo Sanpellegrino, there was also a female representation. One of the signatories of the “Made in Italy Manifesto” who attended the event was Antonella Nonino, CEO of Nonino Distillatori, a firm that has asserted itself in the world market, maintaining a 100% artisan production. A great opportunity to further disseminate the Made in Italy in the world, but only through greater protection of our country and a greater active participation of women.

The Expo has offered an opportunity to investigate Italy’s potential, to be more aware and to realise that we are part of a rich world. It would be important, however, to have greater protection and transparency in our country with regard to gourmet products. The Made in Italy brand is appreciated throughout the world, but it should be further promoted. It must be rigorously transparent and of the highest quality. The Italian reality consist of small/medium enterprises, it has a great energy and a strong will to be well known.

As a woman, I look forward to seeing a greater active female participation in the job market. Today, women in Italy have great difficulties, mainly because they need to care for the family on top of their work, and it’s a shame, because from a social perspective greater investments are needed on this front, in order to allow women to express themselves also in the professional world. They would bring great creativity, rigour, ability to manage and be present on more fronts. In Italy, women are sadly insufficiently active in the job market, this is confirmed by the data we have and therefore as a woman and a mother I wish that in the future there will be ever increasing opportunities for women who want to work.

by editorial staff